photo credits Dominique Laquerre
photo credits Dominique Laquerre
photo credits Dominique Laquerre
photo credits Dominique Laquerre
photo credits Dominique Laquerre
photo credits Dominique Laquerre
photo credits Dominique Laquerre
photo credits Dominique Laquerre
photo credits Dominique Laquerre

sound installation . 2018
presented at Centre d’art Jacques & Michel Auger
in collaboration with the Festival international de musique actuelle de Victoriaville

with Erika Angell and Alexandre St-Onge’s voices

In a dark room, a crafted lighting device animates a selection of handmade, transformed objects. A soundtrack, consisting of human voices reciting a text, is enhanced by electronic, instrumental and vocal samples as well as sounds produced by some of the objects. At times narrative, abstract, surreal, the text refers to the staged objects by speculating on their presence, their significance, their consequence in the world. This loop of information, incessant, immersive and offbeat, provides context for the seven objects. This place is an illusion. There, some underlying activity is taking place, materializing here as a theatre of objects.